What Do 2D POLITICIANS Actually Do?

lobbyists politicians symbiosis terrorism Jan 03, 2022
POLITICIANS claim to represent thousands of people in the 2D WORLD known as NEVER-LAND.
But how is it possible for one man or woman (ACTING in the role of POLITICIAN) to re-present the differing opinions, goals and aspirations of perhaps 100,000 people?
Truth be told: the only opinions POLITICIANS represent are their own, although those opinions may be swayed by donations.
  • Perhaps you "think" POLITICIANS exist to protect you?

  • Perhaps you "think" POLITICIANS exist to level the playing field?

  • Perhaps you "think" POLITICIANS exist to maintain a watchful eye over the planet?
If this is what you "think" then we're sorry to say that you are WRONG.
POLITICIANS exist for one reason: to benefit themselves.
POLITICIANS achieve this by placing themselves between "SERVICE PROVIDER" and "end user"
In this way, POLITICIANS maximize the "bribes" they can potentially receive in the form of:
* gifts,
* favours,
* money and
* future employment opportunities with BIG CORPORATIONS.
all of which are transacted under the guise of "LOBBYING".
LOBBYING is an attempt to influence CORPORATE GOVERNMENT through POLITICIANS.
LOBBYING is very much like terrorism, but without the public threats.
"Terrorism" is widely accepted to mean the use or threat of action designed to influence the GOVERNMENT.
Apparently bribing and or blackmailing POLITICIANS so as to influence GOVERNMENT POLICY is not terrorism, even if the effects are the same - ie: GOVERNMENT is influenced!
We say otherwise.
We say LOBBYING is tantamount to TERRORISM, because it tends to come with a hidden threat attached: for example: cut OUR CORPORATION TAX or WE WILL move OUR factory overseas.
THE CORPORATE SYSTEM does not work because it has been subverted and perverted by terrorists and disingenuous politicians.
Now is the time for something new.
Now is the time for man to take back the power.
Now is the time for symbiosis.