Mission Statement
Among our many goals is a desire to change the WORLD by freeing the minds of the people from the mental chains they have been conditioned to wear since BERTHING with that CORPORATE WORLD.
Man takes Responsibility
Man does not hide behind a LIMITED LIABILITY insurance policy. A real man takes responsibility for his words and actions.
The problems which face us a collective will only be resolved when people own the problems they face, and are responsible for solving those very same problems.
We wish to encourage every man and woman to take-back their power from the ignorant, disingenuous, and uncontrollable power hungry SERVANTS operating in LEGAL LAND JURISDICTION.
You have vested interest in the health and well-being of the planet and the population at large. An unhealthy enslaved population, living under pressure and in fear, makes for an unhealthy planet which in turn, makes for an unhealthy environment within which you are expected to thrive.
We wish to empower you by providing you with the know how and the tools to make a difference.
We wish to help you take back all that was originally intended to be yours.
You were born with dominion over the planet: a sovereign ~ crown intact.