3D Social Contract ~ Responsibilities and Duties

law moral compass social contract symbiosis Dec 21, 2021

You need to come to terms with the fact that the whole of planet Earth, belongs to you and every other man and woman.

It is not necessary for the planet to fit into your pocket, or your sock drawer, for it to belong to you.

The Earth, and all of her resources belong to you.

Likewise, the Earth, and all of her resources belong to every other man and woman too.

We, you, share mutual interests in the Earth.

Thus: any decision which harms the environment, pollutes the air, the waters, the soil, and or the earth itself, damages the property and rights [property] of every [wo]man.

Actions to cause such damage must therefore have the agreement of all inhabitant/owners of the Earth prior to such damage being caused, which is near damned impossible to obtain.


  • It makes sense that you:

a) respect other people, and

b) respect the right of other people to have an opinion about the planet, and

c) respect property directly within the control of other people

For as you do to others, so they can do to you.

  • By that rationale ~ no man or woman has the right to exploit the Earth for his/her profit or gain ~ such profit or gain belongs to everyone.

It stands to reason that decisions should be made with the group (people) in mind, not just the self (see the article titled: Symbiosis featuring a clip from the film: a Beautiful Mind)

  • It stands to reason that we optimize our existence when everyone on the planet is:

a) Healthy

b) Content

c) Prosperous

d) Happy


In this context, "Happy" is defined as the state of not being "unhappy".

THUS, you have a moral and social responsibility / duty to help your fellow [wo]man, for we are all one family, irrespective of skin tone, ability, and or disability.

  • The health of the community begins with the physical and mental health of the self.

  • Every [wo]man, is entitled to an opinion.

  • Opinions should be founded on fact not hearsay THUS

  • it is the responsibility of every man / woman to conduct research as will enable the proving or disproving of hearsay they wish to rely upon as fact.
  • Every [wo]man is entitled to live life the way s[he] chooses, so long as choices for the self do not negatively impact on others, or planet Earth.

  • Every [wo]man has a moral duty to contribute to their community at large.

  • Those unable to contribute physically, due to severe disability, exist to remind able bodied people how fortunate they are, and serve as a reminder of the need to support and care for the family of man.

  • Likewise, those of a mature age should be revered for their wisdom and experience for they have survived the cataclysm of 2D LAND, and as such should be cared for, just as they cared us when we were infants.


In short:

Treat your Neighbour as you would your Brother

Do unto Others as you would have them do unto You.

Love you god unless your god demands that you harm others.