Peaceful Non Compliance

peaceful non compliance Dec 12, 2021

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule.

Numerous events shaped Gandhi's spiritual approach, including the salt tax, imposed by the British upon the Indian people.

Gandhi nurtured a policy of peaceful non-compliance and non-cooperation.

Although Gandhi was imprisoned multiple times ~ his policy ultimately succeeded.

In the absence of an agreement with those controlling LEGAL LAND ~ imagine what could be achieved by a policy of non compliance and non cooperation with those LUNATICS PRETENDING to be LEGAL ENTITIES.

Note: refusals merely re-FUSE a situation. It is therefore advised to engage one of the following techniques to avoid confrontation:

  • the use of a conditional acceptance upon proof of the law obliging you to ACT or PERFORM, or

  • lip service ...  simply make like you agree then don't do it.

LEGAL LAND does not employ enough DRONES to CHASE up and MONITOR everyone for every little thing and is far from efficient.

Since LEGAL LAND could be likened to a GAME, we trust you see the potential for having fun with this strategy.