Natural Equity

natural equity Dec 06, 2021

What is Equity?

In LEGAL LAND, Equity is that which bridges gaps in THEIR LAW. It is said to be founded in the desire to bring and maintain balance. It originates in the heart and conscience of the QUEEN (in her role on behalf of the people).

In practice, this means the heart and conscience of the JUDGE presiding over a COURT CASE on behalf of the CORPORATE CROWN.

Some might ask: "what conscience?" such is the experience that many have had when dealing with corrupt people "acting" as by and for the CORPORATE CROWN.

What is Natural Equity?

According to the Bible, the law is written in the heart of every man and every [wo]man.

In other words, every man and [wo]man has a sense of what is right and wrong.

Natural Equity is the balance brought about by the judgement of man and [wo]man.

We each know what is required to bring about balance.

We each know in our hearts what is a fair and just punishment for a wrongful act.