Jurisdiction is Key ~ Cognizance

jurisdiction key posse Nov 21, 2021

If you've never seen the film the Celestine Prophecy, then we suggest you go watch it.

The film explains the ability for two worlds to exist side by side, occupying the same space ~ at the same time ~ without collision: the inhabitants of each realm effectively resonating at different frequencies.

Now apply that thought process to the 2D LEGAL-LAND and 3D realms.

Man has jurisdiction over the 3D realm, whilst 2D LEGAL-LAND OFFICERS and COURTS have jurisdiction over matters which take place in the imaginary LEGAL-LAND which in turn is evidenced by words on paper in the 2D realm. Simple.

It's a question of cognizance (recognition ~ knowing your own kind and knowing the limitations/boundaries of your RULES) ~ ie: LEGAL JURISDICTION applies to LEGAL ENTITIES not man therefore LEGAL JURISDICTION has no power/rights/authority over man.

JURISDICTION is therefore key to saving time and money spent pursuing LEGAL claims over man, and defending claims from LEGAL ENTITIES which ought to have no chance of success.

It is the opinion of the Collective that claims be handled in the correct jurisdiction/JURISDICTION and that to make this point clear: "jurisdiction" should be the battle line upon which every man and woman should block/dispute/contest EVERY LEGAL CLAIM incorrectly made against them, outside the boundaries of LEGAL JURISDICTION.

Trustees of the 3D State of Being intend to offer practical support in this regard, through the creation of local Free Born Protection Teams.