How You Were Tricked into SLAVERY by LEGAL-LAND

ignorance slavery Jan 09, 2022

It's easy to see you're enslaved when physical chains are placed around your wrists, your ankles, or your neck.

It's not so easy when those chains are invisible.

However, the signs of your enslavement are all around you.

ONLY a SLAVE must do what HIS/HER MASTER tells him/her to do.

  • If a 2D GOVERNMENT tells you to do something, do you do it?
  • Would you stay INSIDE on LOCKDOWN if the 2D GOVERNMENT told you to do so?

ONLY a SLAVE would wear a neck COLLAR, wrist CUFFS and neck TIE, yet millions do so every day across the WORLD.

ONLY a SLAVE would hand over between 67% to 80% of his/her lifetime earnings to his MASTER, yet you pay that in both direct and indirect taxes without complaint.

ONLY a SLAVE would be unable to own property.

If you think you're a homeowner, think again. You are either a tenant in common or a joint tenant. the 2D STATE in NEVER-LAND "OWNS" all PROPERTY in 2D LAND - you are a TENANT which is why you pay RATES [RATE OF TAX] to the CORPORATE LORD of the CORPORATE MANOR [normally the local COUNCIL].

ONLY a SLAVE would need permission to extend his/her home.

ONLY a SLAVE or ANIMAL would be chipped, yet millions of you have already accepted it.

Since when did you start obeying the ORDERS and INSTRUCTIONS of those you EMPLOY to provide PUBLIC SERVICES?

WORDS and CONDITIONING have been used to ENSLAVE you.

Is it not said that the pen is mightier than the sword?

If we take the "S" from the end of WORDS and move it to the beginning, now we have a SWORD.

And whereas once you could be ENSLAVED at the point of SWORD, now YOU have been ENSLAVED at the point of a PEN ~ tricked with words, and tricked into debt which doesn't exist, and never existed, but was in fact created at the stroke of a pen.

The WORDS you use do not mean what you think they mean, and therefore you say not what you think you say, especially when dealing in LEGAL-LAND.


The LANGUAGE of CORPORATIONS is commercially orientated, and if you know not the meanings, then you speak gibberish, and are treated as a madman.

If you have a LEGAL problem, you might employ a SOLICITOR to "ACT" for you. You become a CLIENT. In law the word CLIENT means WARD OF COURT: in other words you are considered to be INSANE or a CHILD, for you are unable to defend yourself.

Are you INSANE?

Are you a CHILD?

Tell that to the COURTS which speak the LANGUAGE OF CORPORATIONS ~ a FOREIGN LANGUAGE to your own.

Now show us you have not been TRICKED.

You have been ENSLAVED by your own IGNORANCE because you trusted those who said they would SERVE you ~ but you can break free.