The Right to Create and Join a Posse

policing in numbers posse upholding the law Dec 08, 2021

Natural Equity dictates that an eye shall be the price for taking an eye and a tooth shall be the price for taking a tooth ~ in other words: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Most of you will probably resonate with that.

But what happens if you are too weak or frail to hold your assailant to account?

In such a circumstance, it has long been the custom to create a posse so that an assailant may be brought before a court of his/her peers.

Given the potential for violence from an assailant seeking to escape the law, and the need to uphold the law, it is suggested every man and woman join a posse.

All members of a posse are encouraged to work together to bring assailants before a properly convened court.